We completed the "C" channel installation today.
With the front "C" channel installed, it can be used to locate the remaining forward curbside and roadside channel sections. It is also used to place the most aft channel section, which is located 17.5' aft.
The detailed measurements we took back on January 30, 2011 were key in ensuring that we got the channel sections back in the proper locations. The subfloor is marked with the installation locations of the new "C" channel.
When installing fasteners in the new "C" channel sections, the new sections are compared to the old sections to ensure that the fastener locations will not interfere with the attach points of the shell's formers. #8 18-8 stainless steel screws are used to secure the channel to the subfloor.
With the location of the forward channel sections marked on the subfloor, attention is focused on the most aft channel section. The aft section is located 17.5' aft of the most forward section.
The subfloor is marked at the inside corners of the old "C" channel section. This provides an index for the new corner pieces.
The remaining aft channel sections are located, fabricated and installed using the measurements taken on January 30, 2011.
The forward "C" channel sections are fabricated and installed. Installation locations were marked on the subfloor earlier, prior to beginning work on the aft channel sections.
"C" channel installation is complete....well almost. I still need to install three bolts up front, and two aft. Bolt dimensions and installation will be documented in the next log entry.
That's all for today.