Removed the forward section of belly skin today.
All of the closeout panels on the front of the frame are removed, as well as the tow vehicle wiring harness.
The closeout trim is removed from the step recess on the curbside frame.
Pop rivets holding the skin to the frame are removed. Rivets are located along the entire length of each crossmember.
The forward tire on each side must be removed to allow room to drill four fasteners in the forward wheel well.
The final rivets to be removed are located on the outside forward halves of the wheel wells.
At this point, the only thing holding the skin to the frame is the "C" channel. The skin is wrapped around the outer perimeter of the "C" channel. A 90 degree scratch awe is used to pry up the skin edges, and the skin is released from the frame.
The insulation is removed to expose the subfloor and frame.
That's all for today.