Interior prep continued...


I removed a couple of roadside interior skins this evening.

The roadside interior mid-skin runs almost the full length of the trailer. It is about 12 feet in length.

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

To remove the single, long sheet of aluminum skin on the roadside of the trailer, the trim surrounding the circuit breaker box recess must be removed.

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

After drilling out 40+ pop-rivets, the skin is removed. Notice that the back of the skin is painted brown, as are all of the interior skins.

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

Next is the skin below the roadside curved window.

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

Almost finished. Two more skins on the aft wall remain. Those will be removed tomorrow, along with all of the exposed insulation, the wheel wells, and the trunk. I hope to have the shell braced by tomorrow evening.

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

That's all for today.