Started painting the frame today.



1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre


1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

1970 Silver Streak Sabre

It took 5 hours to get one coat of paint on the frame. Consequently, I was too fatigued to get a second coat applied. Had I done a better job thinking this thru, I would have put two coats on half the frame today, and finished the second half of the frame another day. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Anyway, I did get one real good coat on the frame, and will work to get a second coat applied over the next week.

That's all for today.